How to Choose an Investment Property

When it comes to investing in property, there are many things to take into account. Whether you’re a first-time investor or you’ve been in the game for a while, choosing the right property is essential to making a sound investment. So, how do you go about choosing an investment property? Here are eight tips to help you out.

Top Ten Secrets Your Mortgage Lender Won’t Tell You

It’s no secret that getting a mortgage is a complicated process. There are dozens of forms to fill out, documents to provide, and hoops to jump through. And that’s just the beginning – once your lender has all of that information, they still have to evaluate it and decide whether or not to approve your loan.

Your Perth Home Buying Checklist

Whether you’re a seasoned homebuyer or this is your first time, it’s important to be prepared. Having a checklist when you’re shopping for homes around Perth or if you’re in talks with mortgage brokers, can help make the process go more smoothly and ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

What is a mortgage broker?

What is a mortgage broker? Where can I find a mortgage broker? And how can they help you? We answer all this and more in this insightful blog post.

Best Questions To Ask your Mortgage Broker

When you’re ready to buy a house, you’re going to need to work with a mortgage broker. It’s not just that most lenders require one—it’s also in your best interests. So, how do you choose the right broker?

Why You Need a Mortgage Broker

There are many reasons why you might need a mortgage broker. Perhaps you’re self-employed and therefore have difficulty qualifying for a traditional mortgage. Maybe you’re looking to invest in real estate but don’t have the time or knowledge to navigate the complex world of financing. Whatever your reason, working with a mortgage broker can save you time, money, and a whole lot of stress.