Refinance Your Mortgage

How long has it been since you’ve reviewed your current mortgage? Keen to know if there’s a better deal out there just waiting for you?

Situations change over time, and your mortgage needs can change with them. A mortgage that was perfect for you when you bought your first home can become less than ideal as time progresses.

Why leave money on the table? Refinancing your mortgage can gain you access to better rates, or even unlock additional loan features that can help save you interest.

What is refinancing anyway?

For many homeowners, establishing a mortgage is a set-and-forget process. Repayments are made monthly, and rarely questioned.

Over time, unchecked mortgages tend to become less competitive when compared against the market. Your mortgage interest rate may tend to slowly creep upwards, and better offers may become available in the market that you are unaware of. This can cost you thousands of dollars in interest every year. Refinancing is the process of replacing your existing mortgage with a new one. Often, it’s with another lender who is able to offer you a better deal that suits your financial situation and goals better than your current lender.

Why refinance your mortgage? ​

The real question is – why not?

By securing a better home loan rate in the right market conditions, you can keep more cash in your back pocket. And why wouldn’t you want to do that?

Here’s what refinancing your mortgage can do for you:

  • Help you pay off your mortgage sooner
    A mortgage is the biggest financial burden many Australians will have in their lifetime. By ensuring your mortgage is structured with the lowest available rate and the most advantageous features, you can reduce your monthly repayments, and pay less interest over the life of the loan. This can free up cash flow to allow you to do more of what you love, or simply help you pay your mortgage off sooner.
  • Fund those pipe dream home improvements
    Refinancing your mortgage can unlock a whole lot of extra dough that you can put back into your home. Is your bathroom or kitchen looking tired or in need of replacement? Well thought out home improvements can not only improve your standard of living but up the value of your home on resale.
  • Consolidate your debt
    If you’re struggling under the weight of high interest credit cards or personal loans, or just looking to streamline your current repayments, debt consolidation can provide much needed relief. Debt consolidation allows you to improve your monthly cashflow and get back on top of your finances.

Naked Finance are ready, willing and expertly able to structure your mortgage to your most strategic advantage.

Start living your life sooner by paying off your mortgage faster

Want to alter how you pay off your mortgage? Eager to pay it off sooner rather than later?

Put your best financial foot forward and have all your refinancing questions answered with Naked Finance.

Contact Naked Finance to refinance your mortgage today

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